Friday, November 28, 2008

BUI - week's development

Since last blog post I made following major changes to BUI:

  • EmptyContainer and EmptyElement are gone. Fill container has replaced them.
  • I got rid of most of globals() in the source. There is still one place left to repair though (I have some kind of idea how to fix this).
  • Events and Constraints are stored in classes (or in separate modules. I have not tested this option but it should work) and passed on to Application. See examples folder in the source repository to see how this mechanism works.
  • Added Image element for Blender. Note that you can use vector (SVG) images with Image element. It scales the image automatically based on given width and height. If no dimensions are given, it will use dimensions defined in the image itself.
  • Added Icon element for Blender. Icon makes it possible to render icons (default set) provided with Blender.
  • Added ColorPicker element for Blender. ColorPicker is just the basic color picker provided with Blender. I tried to get Normal element to work too but for some reason the callback function required for value updates of the element did not appear to work. This might be a bug in Blender and I will investigate this issue further.
  • Extended example file. Now it is possible to modify Z location of an object named the same as the slider created based on bones of the armature. Check out the example .blend provided to see and understand how this really work. Essentially it is just a handy replacement for Blender's driver system.

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