Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cassopi development site open

After a break (half a year!) I have resumed the development of my sketching application previously known as Jade. I decided to begin hosting the application on code.google.com . When registering the application I found out that a project named Jade already exists. That's why I renamed the project Cassopi. The new project site can be found at http://code.google.com/p/cassopi/ .

I will spend this month developing it. In the first stage I aim to get basic user interface working. This is quite a bit of work as I started from scratch using pyglet, pyopengl and OpenGL. I am not an expert at OpenGL so this works as a learning experience as well. I already have simple implementation of multiple viewports working already. :)

Here's a screenshot. Note that it's not perfect due to double buffering I think. This is something pyglet provides and I am not sure if there is anything I can do about it yet. It's not a priority issue anyway.

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